Source code for b3j0f.aop.joinpoint

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# Copyright (c) 2014 Jonathan Labéjof <>
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"""Module which aims to manage python joinpoint interception.

A joinpoint is just a callable element.

functions allow to weave an interception function on any python callable

from __future__ import absolute_import

from inspect import (
    isbuiltin, ismethod, isclass, isfunction, getmodule, getmembers, getfile,
    getargspec, isroutine, getmro

from opcode import opmap

import builtins

from types import MethodType, FunctionType

from functools import wraps

from time import time

from six import PY3, PY2

__all__ = [
    'Joinpoint', 'JoinpointError',
    'get_intercepted', 'is_intercepted',
    'super_method', 'find_ctx', 'base_ctx'

# consts for interception loading

#: attribute which binds the intercepted function from the interceptor function
_INTERCEPTED = '_intercepted'
#: ctx intercepted atttribute name
_INTERCEPTED_CTX = '_intercepted_ctx'

#: attribute which binds an interception function to its parent joinpoint
_INTERCEPTION = '_interception'

#: list of attributes to set/update after wrapping a function with a joinpoint
WRAPPER_ASSIGNMENTS = ['__doc__', '__module__', '__name__']
WRAPPER_UPDATES = ['__dict__']

[docs]def find_ctx(elt): """Find a Pointcut ctx which is a class/instance related to input function/method. :param elt: elt from where find a ctx. :return: elt ctx. None if no ctx available or if elt is a None method. """ result = None if ismethod(elt): result = elt.__self__ if result is None and PY2: result = elt.im_class elif isclass(elt): result = elt return result
[docs]def base_ctx(ctx): """Get base ctx. :param ctx: initial ctx. :return: base ctx. """ result = None if isclass(ctx): result = getattr(ctx, '__base__', None) if result is None: mro = getmro(ctx) if len(mro) > 1: result = mro[1] else: result = ctx.__class__ return result
[docs]def super_method(name, ctx): """Get super ctx method and ctx where name matches with input name. :param name: method name to find in super ctx. :param ctx: initial method ctx. :return: method in super ctx and super ctx. :rtype: tuple """ result = None, None # get class ctx if isclass(ctx): _ctx = ctx first_mro = 1 else: _ctx = ctx.__class__ first_mro = 0 # get class hierachy mro = getmro(_ctx) for cls in mro[first_mro:]: if hasattr(cls, name): result = getattr(cls, name), cls break return result
[docs]class JoinpointError(Exception): """Handle Joinpoint errors """
[docs]class Joinpoint(object): """Manage joinpoint execution with Advices. Advices are callable objects which take in parameter a Joinpoint. Joinpoint provides to advices: - the joinpoint, - joinpoint call arguments as args and kwargs property, - a shared context during interception such as a dictionary. """ #: lambda function name __LAMBDA_NAME__ = (lambda: None).__name__ #: lambda function interception name __INTERCEPTION__ = 'interception' #: context execution attribute name EXEC_CTX = 'exec_ctx' #: interception attribute name _INTERCEPTION = '_interception' #: interception args attribute name ARGS = 'args' #: interception kwargs attribute name KWARGS = 'kwargs' #: target element attribute name TARGET = 'target' #: target element ctx attribute name CTX = 'ctx' #: private attribute name for internal iterator for advices execution _ADVICES_ITERATOR = '_advices_iterator' #: private attribute name for advices _ADVICES = '_advices' __slots__ = ( EXEC_CTX, ARGS, KWARGS, TARGET, CTX, # public attributes _ADVICES_ITERATOR, _ADVICES, _INTERCEPTION # private attributes ) def __init__( self, target=None, args=None, kwargs=None, advices=None, ctx=None, exec_ctx=None ): """Initialize a new Joinpoint with optional parameters such as a target, its calling arguments (args and kwargs) and a list of advices (callable which take self in parameter). If target, args and kwargs are not None, self Joinpoint use them in a static context. Otherwise, they will be resolved at proceeding time. :param callable target: target which is intercepted by advices. :param tuple args: target call varargs argument. :param dict kwargs: target call keywords argument. :param Iterable advices: iterable of advices which take in parameters this joinpoint. If None, they will be dynamically loaded during self proceeding time related to target. :param dict exec_ctx: execution context. Empty dict by default. :param ctx: target ctx if target is an class/instance attribute. """ super(Joinpoint, self).__init__() self._advices_iterator = None # init critical parameters self._interception = None self.ctx = None = None # set target arguments self.args = () if args is None else args self.kwargs = {} if kwargs is None else kwargs # set advices self._advices = advices # set context self.exec_ctx = {} if exec_ctx is None else exec_ctx # set target self.set_target(target=target, ctx=ctx) def __repr__(self): self_type = type(self) result = "{0}(".format(self_type.__name__) for slot in self_type.__slots__: # do not display advices iterator if slot != Joinpoint._ADVICES_ITERATOR: result += "{0}:{1},".format(slot, getattr(self, slot)) else: result = "{0})".format(result[:-2]) return result
[docs] def set_target(self, target, ctx=None): """Set target. :param target: new target to use. :param target ctx: target ctx if target is an class/instance attribute. """ if target is not None: # check if target is already intercepted if is_intercepted(target): # set self interception last target reference self._interception = target # and targets, ctx, self.ctx = get_intercepted(target) else: # if not, update target reference with new interception self.apply_pointcut(target, ctx=ctx)
[docs] def start( self, target=None, args=None, kwargs=None, advices=None, exec_ctx=None, ctx=None ): """ Start to proceed this Joinpoint in initializing target, its arguments and advices. Call self.proceed at the end. :param callable target: new target to use in proceeding. by default. :param tuple args: new target args to use in proceeding. self.args by default. :param dict kwargs: new target kwargs to use in proceeding. self.kwargs by default. :param list advices: advices to use in proceeding. self advices by default. :param dict exec_ctx: execution context. :param target_ctx: target ctx to use in proceeding. :return: self.proceed() """ # init target and _interception if not None as set_target method do if target is not None: self.set_target(target=target, ctx=ctx) # init args if not None if args is not None: self.args = args # init kwargs if not None if kwargs is not None: self.kwargs = kwargs # get advices to process if advices is None: if self._advices is not None: advices = self._advices else: advices = self.get_advices(self._interception) # initialize self._advices_iterator self._advices_iterator = iter(advices) # initialize execution context self.exec_ctx = self.exec_ctx if exec_ctx is None else exec_ctx result = self.proceed() return result
[docs] def proceed(self): """Proceed this Joinpoint in calling all advices with this joinpoint as the only one parameter, and call at the end the target. """ try: # get next advice advice = next(self._advices_iterator) except StopIteration: # if no advice can be applied # call target result =*self.args, **self.kwargs) else: # if has next, apply advice on self result = advice(self) return result
[docs] def apply_pointcut(self, target, function=None, ctx=None): """Apply pointcut on input target and returns final interception. The poincut respects all meta properties such as: - function signature, - module path, - file path, - __dict__ reference. """ try: __file__ = getfile(target) except TypeError: __file__ = '<string>' if function is None: function = _get_function(target) # flag which indicates that the function is not a pure python function # and has to be wrapped wrap_function = not hasattr(function, '__code__') try: # get params from target args, varargs, kwargs, _ = getargspec(function) except TypeError: # in case of error, wrap the function wrap_function = True if wrap_function: # if function is not pure python, create a generic one # with assignments assigned = [] for wrapper_assignment in WRAPPER_ASSIGNMENTS: if hasattr(function, wrapper_assignment): assigned.append(wrapper_assignment) # and updates updated = [] for wrapper_update in WRAPPER_UPDATES: if hasattr(function, wrapper_update): updated.append(wrapper_update) @wraps(function, assigned=assigned, updated=updated) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): """Default wrapper. """ function = wrapper # get params from target wrapper args, varargs, kwargs, _ = getargspec(function) # get params from target name = function.__name__ # if target has not name, use 'function' if name == Joinpoint.__LAMBDA_NAME__: name = Joinpoint.__INTERCEPTION__ # get join method for reducing concatenation time execution join = "".join # default indentation indent = ' ' newcodestr = "def {0}(".format(name) if args: newcodestr = join((newcodestr, "{0}".format(args[0]))) for arg in args[1:]: newcodestr = join((newcodestr, ", {0}".format(arg))) if varargs is not None: if args: newcodestr = join((newcodestr, ", ")) newcodestr = join((newcodestr, "*{0}".format(varargs))) if kwargs is not None: if args or varargs is not None: newcodestr = join((newcodestr, ", ")) newcodestr = join((newcodestr, "**{0}".format(kwargs))) newcodestr = join((newcodestr, "):\n")) # unique id which will be used for advicesexecutor and kwargs generated_id = repr(time()).replace('.', '_') # if kwargs is None if kwargs is None and args: kwargs = "kwargs_{0}".format(generated_id) # generate a name # initialize a new dict with args newcodestr = join( (newcodestr, "{0}{1} = {{\n".format(indent, kwargs))) for arg in args: newcodestr = join( (newcodestr, "{0}{0}'{1}': {1},\n".format(indent, arg)) ) newcodestr = join((newcodestr, "{0}}}\n".format(indent))) else: # fill args in kwargs for arg in args: newcodestr = join( (newcodestr, "{0}{1}['{2}'] = {2}\n".format( indent, kwargs, arg)) ) # advicesexecutor name joinpoint = "joinpoint_{0}".format(generated_id) if varargs: newcodestr = join( (newcodestr, "{0}{1}.args = {2}\n".format( indent, joinpoint, varargs)) ) # set kwargs in advicesexecutor if kwargs is not None: newcodestr = join( (newcodestr, "{0}{1}.kwargs = {2}\n".format( indent, joinpoint, kwargs)) ) # return advicesexecutor proceed result start = "start_{0}".format(generated_id) newcodestr = join( (newcodestr, "{0}return {1}()\n".format(indent, start)) ) # compile newcodestr code = compile(newcodestr, __file__, 'single') _globals = {} # define the code with the new function exec(code, _globals) # get new code newco = _globals[name].__code__ # get new consts list newconsts = list(newco.co_consts) if PY3: newcode = list(newco.co_code) else: newcode = map(ord, newco.co_code) consts_values = {joinpoint: self, start: self.start} # change LOAD_GLOBAL to LOAD_CONST index = 0 newcodelen = len(newcode) while index < newcodelen: if newcode[index] == LOAD_GLOBAL: oparg = newcode[index + 1] + (newcode[index + 2] << 8) name = newco.co_names[oparg] if name in consts_values: const_value = consts_values[name] if const_value in newconsts: pos = newconsts.index(const_value) else: pos = len(newconsts) newconsts.append(consts_values[name]) newcode[index] = LOAD_CONST newcode[index + 1] = pos & 0xFF newcode[index + 2] = pos >> 8 if name == start: break # stop when start is encountered index += 1 # get code string codestr = bytes(newcode) if PY3 else join(map(chr, newcode)) # get vargs vargs = [ newco.co_argcount, newco.co_nlocals, newco.co_stacksize, newco.co_flags, codestr, tuple(newconsts), newco.co_names, newco.co_varnames, newco.co_filename, newco.co_name, newco.co_firstlineno, newco.co_lnotab, function.__code__.co_freevars, newco.co_cellvars ] if PY3: vargs.insert(1, newco.co_kwonlyargcount) # instanciate a new code object codeobj = type(newco)(*vargs) # instanciate a new function if function is None or isbuiltin(function): interception_fn = FunctionType(codeobj, {}) else: interception_fn = type(function)( codeobj, function.__globals__, function.__name__, function.__defaults__, function.__closure__ ) # set wrapping assignments for wrapper_assignment in WRAPPER_ASSIGNMENTS: try: value = getattr(function, wrapper_assignment) except AttributeError: pass else: setattr(interception_fn, wrapper_assignment, value) # update wrapping updating for wrapper_update in WRAPPER_UPDATES: try: value = getattr(function, wrapper_update) except AttributeError: pass else: getattr(interception_fn, wrapper_update).update(value) # set interception, target function and ctx self._interception,, self.ctx = _apply_interception( target=target, interception_fn=interception_fn, ctx=ctx ) return self._interception
[docs] def get_advices(self, target): """Get target advices. :param target: target from where getting advices. """ raise NotImplementedError()
def _apply_interception( target, interception_fn, ctx=None, _globals=None ): """Apply interception on input target and return the final target. :param Callable target: target on applying the interception_fn. :param function interception_fn: interception function to apply on target :param ctx: target ctx (instance or class) if not None. :return: both interception and intercepted - if target is a builtin function, the result is a (wrapper function, builtin). - if target is a function, interception is target where code is intercepted code, and interception is a new function where code is target code. :rtype: tuple(callable, function, ctx) :raises: TypeError if target is not a routine. """ if not callable(target): raise TypeError('target {0} is not callable.'.format(target)) intercepted = target interception = interception_fn # try to get the right ctx if ctx is None: ctx = find_ctx(elt=target) # if target is a builtin if isbuiltin(target) or getmodule(target) is builtins: # update builtin function reference in module with wrapper module = getmodule(target) found = False # check for found function if module is not None: # update all references by value for name, _ in getmembers( module, lambda member: member is target): setattr(module, name, interception_fn) found = True if not found: # raise Exception if not found raise JoinpointError( "Impossible to weave on not modifiable function {0}. \ Must be contained in module {1}".format(target, module) ) elif ctx is None: # update code with interception code target_fn = _get_function(target) # switch interception and intercepted interception, intercepted = target, interception_fn # switch of code between target_fn and # interception_fn target_fn.__code__, interception_fn.__code__ = \ interception_fn.__code__, target_fn.__code__ else: # get target name if isclass(target): # if target is a class, get constructor name target_name = _get_function(target).__name__ else: # else get target name target_name = target.__name__ # get the right intercepted intercepted = getattr(ctx, target_name) # in case of method if ismethod(intercepted): # in creating eventually a new method args = [interception, ctx] if PY2: # if py2, specify the ctx class # and unbound method type if intercepted.__self__ is None: args = [interception, None, ctx] else: args.append(ctx.__class__) # instantiate a new method interception = MethodType(*args) # get the right intercepted function if is_intercepted(intercepted): intercepted, _ = get_intercepted(intercepted) else: intercepted = _get_function(intercepted) # set in ctx the new method setattr(ctx, target_name, interception) # add intercepted into interception_fn globals and attributes interception_fn = _get_function(interception) # set intercepted setattr(interception_fn, _INTERCEPTED, intercepted) # set intercepted ctx if ctx is not None: setattr(interception_fn, _INTERCEPTED_CTX, ctx) interception_fn.__globals__[_INTERCEPTED] = intercepted interception_fn.__globals__[_INTERCEPTION] = interception if _globals is not None: interception_fn.__globals__.update(_globals) return interception, intercepted, ctx def _unapply_interception(target, ctx=None): """Unapply interception on input target in cleaning it. :param routine target: target from where removing an interception function. is_joinpoint(target) must be True. :param ctx: target ctx. """ # try to get the right ctx if ctx is None: ctx = find_ctx(elt=target) # get previous target intercepted, old_ctx = get_intercepted(target) # if ctx is None and old_ctx is not None, update ctx with old_ctx if ctx is None and old_ctx is not None: ctx = old_ctx if intercepted is None: raise JoinpointError('{0} must be intercepted'.format(target)) # flag to deleting of joinpoint_function del_joinpoint_function = False # if old target is a not modifiable resource if isbuiltin(intercepted): module = getmodule(intercepted) found = False # update references to target to not modifiable element in module for name, member in getmembers(module): if member is target: setattr(module, name, intercepted) found = True # if no reference found, raise an Exception if not found: raise JoinpointError( "Impossible to unapply interception on not modifiable element \ {0}. Must be contained in module {1}".format(target, module) ) elif ctx is None: # get joinpoint function joinpoint_function = _get_function(target) # update old code on target joinpoint_function.__code__ = intercepted.__code__ # ensure to delete joinpoint_function del_joinpoint_function = True else: # flag for joinpoint recovering recover = False # get interception name in order to update/delete interception from ctx intercepted_name = intercepted.__name__ # should we change of target or is it inherited ? if isclass(ctx): base_interception, _ = super_method(name=intercepted_name, ctx=ctx) else: base_interception = getattr(ctx.__class__, intercepted_name, None) # if base interception does not exist if base_interception is None: # recover intercepted recover = True else: # get joinpoint_function joinpoint_function = _get_function(target) # get base function if is_intercepted(base_interception): base_intercepted, _ = get_intercepted(base_interception) else: base_intercepted = _get_function(base_interception) # is interception inherited ? if base_intercepted is joinpoint_function: pass # do nothing # is intercepted inherited elif base_intercepted is intercepted: # del interception delattr(ctx, intercepted_name) del_joinpoint_function = True else: # base function is something else recover = True if recover: # if recover is required # new content to put in ctx new_content = intercepted if ismethod(target): # in creating eventually a new method args = [new_content, ctx] if PY2: # if py2, specify the ctx class # and unbound method type if target.__self__ is None: args = [new_content, None, ctx] else: # or instance method args.append(ctx.__class__) # instantiate a new method new_content = MethodType(*args) # update ctx with intercepted setattr(ctx, intercepted_name, new_content) joinpoint_function = _get_function(target) del_joinpoint_function = True if del_joinpoint_function: # delete _INTERCEPTED and _INTERCEPTED_CTX from joinpoint_function if hasattr(joinpoint_function, _INTERCEPTED): delattr(joinpoint_function, _INTERCEPTED) if hasattr(joinpoint_function, _INTERCEPTED_CTX): delattr(joinpoint_function, _INTERCEPTED_CTX) del joinpoint_function
[docs]def is_intercepted(target): """True iif input target is intercepted. :param target: target to check such as an intercepted target. :return: True iif input target is intercepted. :rtype: bool """ result = False # get interception function from input target function = _get_function(target) result = hasattr(function, _INTERCEPTED) return result
[docs]def get_intercepted(target): """Get intercepted function and ctx from input target. :param target: target from where getting the intercepted function and ctx. :return: target intercepted function and ctx. (None, None) if no intercepted function exist. (fn, None) if not ctx exists. :rtype: tuple """ function = _get_function(target) intercepted = getattr(function, _INTERCEPTED, None) ctx = getattr(function, _INTERCEPTED_CTX, None) return intercepted, ctx
def _get_function(target): """Get target function. :param callable target: target from where get function. :return: depending on target type:: - class: constructor. - method: method function. - function: function. - else: __call__ method. :raises: TypeError if target is not callable or is a class without a constructor. """ result = None # raise TypeError if target is not callable if not callable(target): raise TypeError('target {0} must be callable'.format(target)) # in case of class, final target is its constructor if isclass(target): constructor = getattr( target, '__init__', # try to find __init__ getattr(target, '__new__', None) ) # try to find __new__ | target # if no constructor exists if constructor is None: # create one def __init__(self): pass if PY2: target.__init__ = MethodType(__init__, None, target) else: target.__init__ = __init__ constructor = target.__init__ # if constructor is a method, return function method if ismethod(constructor): result = constructor.__func__ # else return constructor else: result = constructor elif ismethod(target): # if target is a method, return function method result = target.__func__ # return target if target is function or builtin elif isfunction(target) or isbuiltin(target) or isroutine(target): result = target else: # otherwise, return __call__ method __call__ = getattr(target, '__call__') if ismethod(__call__): # if __call__ is a method, return its function result = __call__.__func__ else: # otherwise return __call__ result = __call__ return result